Sign Up Form

    Cell Phone for Text Messages

    Email Address

    I give permission to Kauai Dance Center for photographs & film to be taken

    Parent/Adult Performer

    First Name

    Last Name

    Other Phone

    Student / Child Performer

    First Name

    Last Name

    Dance Class Level

    I understand that my child is performing in a public event.

    I understand that my child's image may appear in promotional material for Kauai Dance Center and dance program literature. I understand that I will not receive compensation for the use of the image(s)

    Kauai Dance Center reserves the right to refuse dance classes to anyone.

    Note: Disruptive behavior harms us all. Should we meet an unfortunate situation with a student or parent where the behavior causes a disruption of a class, and causes concern beyond what is reasonable to work with, the student & parent will be asked to leave the program.

    Please sign below

    Parent / Adult Signature

    Student Signature

    Sponsor Signature (if applicable)

    Comments, Questions


    Type the code above into this box